What we do

We are scientists creating science curricula.

Teachers and parents want science curricula that unlock the true potential of their young learners and prepare them for STEM careers. To accomplish this, we developed an instructional method that acknowledges the incredible power of the young mind to learn complex concepts, and we overhauled the standard science curriculum, creating a completely fresh learning sequence that incorporates the knowledge and skills that are actually important for real scientists.

In short, we created our dream science curriculum, the curriculum that we wish we had in school.

Our learning materials include animated presentations consisting of hundreds of custom visualizations carefully designed so that every student can learn.

Handheld model building activities accompany every lesson, giving students a tactile and visual perspective on chemistry that few students experience. We also use computerized molecular modeling to immerse students in the intricate and three-dimensional world of macromolecular structure.

These tools, used to explore the inner world of the cellDNAs, RNAs, proteins, cell membranes—are virtually unknown outside of academic biomedical research, but our curriculum allows elementary students to master them.

Our curriculum is not a gifted enrichment activity—it is a re-imagination of what science learning could be for everyone. After working first hand with over one thousand diverse K-12 students, and seeing what unexpected and amazing things they are capable of, we believe our methods can change the world of education.


This fall, I will be taking applications to provide molecular model kits and teacher training for 3 schools in need, to deploy the Biochemistry Literacy curriculum in 2025. Please use the contact tab to submit a cover letter for your application. For this program, I prefer schools serving underrepresented or underserved communities that could not otherwise afford to deploy this program. Schools must have a supportive administrator and teacher, and be willing to participate in documenting and reporting student progress for publication. I would like to select one school from each of the following: an underserved urban school in need, an underserved rural school in need, and a school serving a tribal population. Schools that I select will receive free virtual teacher training and support during the year of deployment, as well as free molecular model kits for a classroom. US schools are preferred, but I would consider schools outside the US as well. I look forward to hearing from you

"Words cannot begin to express my 4th grade daughter’s excitement, and my satisfaction and gratitude for the work of Dr. Fried and his program. I wanted her to be challenged, stretched, and exposed to material that was beyond her grade level. [At first] we didn’t really know what to expect but after the very first session, I realized that this program was a true gem! Not only was my daughter able to comprehend the advanced subject matter, she was also able to come back to her class and share what she had learned. Her teacher was thoroughly impressed with what she has been learning. My daughter is normally shy, especially in groups... but I have witnessed her display so much confidence in herself and her ability to comprehend the subject matter. This program has definitely opened her appetite to learn more about science and technology at a more advanced level."
— Lakesha L

Project Location Map

The Biochemistry Literacy for Kids curriculum has been taught in over two dozen diverse schools. Past programs and classes are marked in BLUE. Ongoing program locations are marked in RED. Home school subscribers are marked in GOLD. Click each point to find out more about past and current programs.